Gutterman’s & Gutterman Warheit — Jewish Funeral Services
in New York and Florida
Call Us First When You Need to Transport a Loved One Who Has Passed
It happens on a regular basis—your loved one passes, but the memorial service or burial is planned for another part of the country or another part of the world. The deceased may have moved away in retirement or have been on vacation at the time of passing. The process of transporting your loved one can be complex and emotionally draining. Let our experienced professionals ease your burden.
At Gutterman’s and Gutterman Warheit, we have decades of experience providing comprehensive funeral services to individuals and families in New York and Florida. We have a thorough understanding of mortuary transportation logistics, and can help you ensure the timely and secure shipment of your loved one anywhere in the world.
Helping You Move a Loved One after Death
We have a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations governing the transportation of bodies—
- We have strong relationships with the airlines and will ensure that your loved one is secured in a container that meets the specifications of the particular airline
- We’ll accompany your loved one to the airport and ensure that they are securely on-board
- We work with an extensive network of funeral homes and funeral directors worldwide, so we’ll make certain that someone will be at the airport to escort your loved one to the funeral home or other location when they arrive
- We track every flight to ensure your loved one is arriving as scheduled
We can arrange to ship remains to or from anywhere in the world. We will also help you arrange funeral or memorial services in a distant location.
Easing Your Burden in Your Time of Loss
At Gutterman’s and Gutterman Warheit, we’ll take the time to listen carefully, so that we learn exactly what you need. We have a thorough understanding of the different Jewish rites and customs. We’ll answer all your questions and work hard to make certain you have all the information you need to make the right decision.
Call our firm at one of the numbers below for guidance with a memorial service to learn about our services or contact us online.. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support and assist you.
Rockville Centre
Long Island, New York
Contact us: 516.764.9400
Long Island, New York
Contact us: 516.921.5757
Gutterman Warheit Boca Raton Florida
Boca Raton, Forida
Contact us: 561.997.9900 | 800.992.9262
Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn: 718.284.1500
Gutterman's & Gutterman Warheit — Where Relationships Matter
Family Owned and Operated Since 1892

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